Friday, August 21, 2009


The hottest thing in August is the Little League World Series

District 9

Speaking of movies, if you want to like the movie District 9 i beg you not to see it in the movies. If you must, buy the DVD but i strongly recommend waiting for HBO. Its not that i didn't like the movie so much as i just felt like i was lied to. The movie i thought i was going to see based on the trailers was much different then the one i actually paid to see. I expected more subtlety and less exploding people and aliens.

The Nothings Happening

I swear, M Night Shamadingdong's latest movie "The Happening" was the worst movie that i have ever seen. That makes a trifecta of absolutely horrociously unwatchable films made in a row, The Village, Lady in the Water and this. Less then a 1/3 of the way into the movie i said to my girlfriend if this is some weak metaphor for over population and global warming hippie tree hugging garbage then i am going to be very pissed off. sure enough it was. for all three of those movies, this one more so then the rest, the signature surprise twist ending is that it fucking sucks balls. i cant believe that theatres full of people didn't commit suicide after paying for and sitting through that movie.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


How come Brett Favre is a near deity and Terrell Owens is looked at like a cancer. Whats the difference between the two of them. Favre was basically fired from his last two teams, the Packers and the Jets as was TO, the Eagles and Cowboys. When TO doesn't get his way he bitches, moans and flat out refuses to play. When Favre doesn't get his way he retires and lies through his teeth until someone is willing to meet his demands. Which include, but are not limited to, not having to work out with his team in the offseason, not participate in training camp and generally not have to associate with his teammates off of the field. The last one was to the point where he didn't even use the same locker room as the rest of the Jets. If Favre was black he would at the very least be looked upon with the same amount distaste that we currently have for TO.

By the way i personally owe Mr Favre a thank you for basically hand delivering the 09 AFC East Division title to my Miami Dolphins, so i guess he's not all that bad.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Top 3 Spam Subjects

I randomly decide to delete my spam folder in my email but not before some of the subject lines of the emails caught my eye. Listed below are my 3 favorite.

3. Twink roommates gangbanging

2. Raunchy young hotties from the cattle-shed

1. Animal shelters become places for raw fucking

Im not even sure what #2 means. If you read this please leave a comment as to what you think it means.