Saturday, September 12, 2009

Go Irish!!

The Rancor says ND will win @ the big house 38-13. Always trust the Rancor.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Opening Night NFL

Tonight is opening night for the NFL and tomorrow is September 11th so of course there was a short tribute regarding 9/11. And it was a very nice and tasteful tribute, mostly. During which Pittsburgh had surviving family members of people that were aboard flight United 93 on the field in Steelers jerseys. But all the jerseys had the same number on it, 93. What moron thought that was a good idea? Like these people need to be reminded of the number of the plane that their loved one died on every time they tell the story or think about the time they got to be on the field for kickoff for a NFL football game.

If they had any brains the would have given them all the number 8 and say it actually stood for the infinity symbol as in the memories of the heroes who lost their lives will never be forgotten. But no they went for the obvious Douche bag move.