Friday, January 4, 2013


Sperm Donor Forced to Pay Child Support

This might be a rallying point for men everywhere, Kansas is totally screwing this dude over.  William Marotta is kind enough to take time out of his busy day of fixing race cars and trolling the weird personal services sections of Craigslist to help these nice lesbians make a baby, for free, and now the state is trying to screw him over to the tune of $6,000.  What the fuck man, is nothing sacred?  

This guy had a contract and a legal precedent covering his ass but the state is trying to use some bullshit loophole to railroad him.  The whole "it's okay to do this sometimes but not okay other times" argument can suck my dick.  Thats a technicality.  People who try to win on technicalities piss me off and that's what the state is trying to do here.

 It's like those stories you hear about some asshole high school girls track coach who, after his team loses, gets a girl on the other team disqualified for wearing earrings just so he can win. I can't stand that win at any cost attitude that these alpha-male wannabes develop.  I remember once I read a story about how the chief of police in some Georgia town once shut down a little girl's lemonade stand for operating without a permit.(I'm pretty sure I wrote a blog post about it.)  That is the same line of thinking that is going on in this situation.

There's nothing worse then an asshole with a rule because you know they're just dying to use it.  At its root this is a letter of the law versus the spirit of the law argument.  The state of Kansas is acting like a prick because they are going according to the letter of the law, not the spirit and thus dissuading potential American patriots like William Marotta from claiming their god given right to be a hero to a couple of nice lesbians who want to raise a child together.  Men everywhere will say "Can't do it, too risky" because $50 is nothing compared to child support.  $6,000 is ridiculous.  

BTW If you think within five minutes of this post I won't have an ad on Craigslist that reads "Will Father you're lesbian love child for $50.00.  OCCUPATION: Adventure Hunter" then you are very mistaken.  I, for one am not dissuaded at all by this.  Just the fact that this is even legal in the first place is all i needed to know.  At this stage of my career, I'll jerk into just about anything for 50 bucks.  A jar, a basin, whatever.  I'll jerk off right into a lesbians vagina if she thinks it'll help and she's got 50 bucks.  And if you think doing so would be a no-brainer, think again.  Watch the video, you see what they look like.  They are hideous.  Hey good for them, I don't care, I'm not judging, I'm just stating the obvious, them some ugly butch-dikes, not pretty lesbians.  Doing so would be a monumental task but I'd get it done. 

 25 years from now i can picture the support groups these sons and daughters of lesbian parents and a vacant donor will have called Sons of Craig etc.  

UPDATE: I have confirmed with my wife that yes, so long as i get paid no less than $50, I may jerk off into a lesbians vagina IF she insists it will help her conceive.