Friday, June 27, 2008

What a gay thing to say to another man

Im in my break room getting myself a delicious diet coke. I approach the soda machine armed with the first of 3 quarters that i will need to complete my transaction. I fumble it and accidentally drop it. Approaching from my right there is a "man". A man who looks like the Uncle your parents would never leave you alone with. The type of "man" that has birthday parties for his cats (thats an Artie Lange line). The type of "man" that orders decaf cinnamon lattes. Well upon seeing me drop my quarter he says "whoops", what a gay thing to say. I dont know this alleged man but i have long suspected him of being a homosexual. His actions today confirmed my suspicions and i now have concrete evidence that he likesa da cock. The only time as a man you can say "whoops" and it not be an indicator that youre a flaming gay is if youre fucking a girl and pull the ole stick it in the butt on accident, but really on purpose, maneuver. Then when the girl gets annoyed you say "whoops" to try to sell it as an accidental slip. But even then instead of saying whoops, you should just pull an O'halloran and jump out the window cuz if the uptight bitch doesnt want a cock up her tight ass and gets annoyed when put one there, shes prob no fun and you should abort the mission...after you jerk off on her back of course...and steal 20$ from her purse.

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