Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mall Nightmare

While in the mall today i saw the most hideous thing I've ever laid my eyes upon. It was walking around on two legs like and amongst humans. Between the two classes of sexes it more dominantly displayed the traits associated with females but i would not call it "female" instead "female-esque" would be much more accurate. (It def didn't have tits, as gross as this abortion was i still looked) Picture what would result if you were able to successfully mate an albino african american and a toad. If you got a mental picture of something directly off the set of the movie "The Island of Dr Moreau" then you are close. This abomination is the masterstroke of gods cruel sense of humor. Ive never out of pity and mercy wanted to kill something more strongly. I fear her/its face will haunt my dreams for years to come.

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