Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Past Weekends Activities

I spent from 8/8-8/11 in NC w/ my girlfriend visiting the Icebox. Here are some highlights. I negotiated a successful treaty for the surrender of my moustache and side burns. I shot things, with a real gun. When buying ammo for the gun i almost got flagged cuz i joke about using the ammo to invade a neighboring town. Blatantly stole a beer from a woman not paying attention at the bar (we had just done a shot together and i actually may or may not have paid for the beer, details are fuzzy). Ruled the dance floor, along with the Icebox, at a club called "Ess" in Raleigh. Coined the phrase "meat bucket" as a new term for homosexuals. Spilled 1 Irish Car Bomb all over my white Jeter shirt. Drank 1 beer that was steathily hidden in my ass crack. And prob the best of them all, danced around buck naked on the lawn at a Journey concert. Apparently there are pictures evidencing this maybe even video. All in all it was a pretty kick ass weekend.

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