Saturday, August 16, 2008

Text of the Week 8/8-8/15

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! This is unprecedented. Not only do we have our first back to back, 2peat, winner in the long, storied history of the text of the week competition but we also have our first sweep!!! These two texts were sent in conjunction of one another and will take both the winner and honorable mention spots. By now you should know who the winner is, but lets give him his due.

And the award for text of the week and the first back 2 back winner and first ever sweep goes to................................You guessed it O-Dawg!!!!!!!

Who on 8/15 @ 10:48 am wrote "How hot are those gymnastics girls in the olympics? I jerked off durin the whole floor exercise rotation last night"

Then at 11:13 followed that gem up with "As i was blowin my load i was changing USA USA USA USA USA then i cried. not in shame but in joy and admiration"

O-Dawg, First congratulations. Words can't describe how proud I am of you. Good luck tomorrow in your competition (I would love to make fun of you right now, but i have too much respect for what you did earlier today). Secondly, whether we want to admit it or not, we have all been there.

Everyone, seriously if you see this perverted mother fucker out buy him a shot of Jameson then notify the local authorities that you have an unregistered sex offender within 5o ft of a playground. Kudos to you O-Dawg. You are a patriot and a role model.

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