Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Expendables

I saw The Expendables today and this is what I think. I think if you have a pair of balls and don't like this movie then you must love cock. And if you don't have a pair of balls and you liked this movie then you must love pussy more then i do. It was fucking awesome. When i was in line to buy my ticket there were three dudes ahead of me that were all by themselves and all bought tickets for it. When it was my turn i said "Toy Story" in my toughest sounding voice and the cashier looked at me funny. Then i said "Na just kidding The Expendables" and she started laughing. During the previews there was a trailer for a movie called Devil that looked kinda intriguing at first but when the name M Night Shamashithead flashed on the screen there was an audible groan of disappointment from the audience. My favorite kill in the movie was Ivan Drago stomping a dude to death while he was driving a truck, that was fucking cool. My favorite death was Stone Cold going down in a fiery ball of flames. I'd feel bad saying that Stone Cold's straight right to the jaw of the broad was the funniest part of the movie (I think I was the only one who laughed out loud) so I'll go with Stallone driving a plane and drinking beer, or FUI, instead. Biggest suprise: the black guy didn't die. Overall I'd say "The Expendables" is a must see for anyone who thinks guns, knives, fighting and/or explosions are cool and is bored to shit with CGI and other piece of shit movies like Fast and Furious, Triple x and Bret Ratner.

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