Saturday, May 12, 2012

When Did Arizona Become the Redneck Capital of the World?

I'm sorry, did i miss a memo or something?  When did Arizona become the redneck capital of the world?  Who woulda thought that Arizona of all places would be this country's leading producer of dumb-stupid-moronic-ignorant rednecks who scarcely deserve the air they breathe? Because if i had to guess, i woulda said that it woulda been Arkansas or somewhere like that.  But no, I'm wrong, its definitely Arizona.  By far it has become the preeminent breeding ground for the stupidest bunch of motherfuckers this country has to offer.  Did Arizona legalize brother-sister fucking and it somehow went under the wire?  Think I'm wrong?  I beg to differ, read below.,0,1652084.story

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