Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Douche Bag of the Week

Congratulations Jerry Meals, your are this weeks winner, and only 2nd ever recipient of the Douche Bag of the Week award. Basically to sum up his accomplishment in short he butt fucked the lovable underdog of 2011 lowly Pittsburgh Pirates out of a potential epic, seasoning defining win by making one of the most horrocious safe calls at home I've ever fucking seen. Doesn't this cunt know I've got family in Pittsburgh and it's fucked up to do that to them? This is a really good article about it and how not having replay in baseball really is ridiculous. I mean really, I've already accepted the fact that a baseball game is gonna be 3 fucking hours long, you might as well make three hours and ten minutes and get the calls right so i don't feel like i just got a Louisville slugger up the ass after investing 6+ hours watching 19 innings of baseball only to see my team lose on a blown call that I coulda made from my couch at 2am. Fuck that.

Also here's a good video, be sure to watch it all the way through

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